Sunday 18 May 2014

Random Musings: How Couples Last

Witnessed something today which made me realize how couples manage to last for years even after fights and arguments.

While waiting for my brother for lunch, my mum wanted to text my brother to update him where we were eating. Being my dad's typical instructional and annoying self, he told my mum in a harsh tone she should straightaway call my brother to tell him we found seats and waiting for him. Because of my mum's built up impatience from doing accounting for my dad's company in the morning, she was pissed off with my dad. After a few more sentences of conversation, tension was in the air and a cold war started. 

Even up till dinner time, the tension could still be felt between them. They refused to talk to each other and I was the only person they talked to, which indeed annoyed me. However during dinnertime, something funny happened. My dad ordered seafood spaghetti and while eating he gave my mum a prawn from his spaghetti. In return, my mum gave him part of her chicken chop. Subsequently, the tension is slowly eased and now they are fine:)


I know that may seem like a very small incident which many will disregard. But personally, I am amazed at the significance of such small actions. To ease the tension, someone has to make the first step. No matter how small the step is, it takes lots of courage to initiate. This is especially hard if both are hard-headed. I realized that for my parents, my mum is the patient one who always gives in so I suppose this is how they sustain years of marriage:) Maybe with years of being together, understanding each other and love, they developed their unique way of expressing their love for each other. When it comes to making mistakes, they may not need to express their apology verbally but they use nonverbal actions to do so. Maybe this comes with years of being together, understanding each other and loving each other <3

Apologizing does not always mean that you are wrong and the other person is right. 
It just means that you value your relationship more than your ego.  

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